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It’s well established that children at this age possess the ability to process information and are capable of recognition and retention that accelerate learning.

By using tactile learning, videos, technology, and storytelling, INFINIKIDS are introduced to a Savior who loves them and knows them by name.

Children at this age are filled with a sense of wonder and awe. They believe that they can DO AND BE ANYTHING they desire to, as well they should.


Emphasizes the greatness of our God and the limitlessness of His Power, while focusing on Jesus’ plan to use children as vessels through which He can release His power.

At this stage of their growth and development, children form opinions and positions that may greatly shape their future. Their natural curiosity and search for independence provides an opportunity to tackle tough subjects and answer hard generational questions in an environment that fosters a positive, confident, and assertive ATTITUDE in this age group.

Through teachings about selflessness, humility, and Christian virtues, children develop the strength of character to live out the courage of their convictions. Some many call this strong ATTITUDE, fortitude. We call it INFINITUDE!

Teenagers face unique challenges that require that they possess a healthy self-image to overcome. Biblical teaching, values training, financial literacy for teens, youth camps and events, all help to foster the confidence teenagers need to successfully navigate the teenage years. Joshua 1:8 provides the guiding principles for this success.

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